Narang Eye care & laser Center

Tears in a human eye form a protective covering on the surface of cornea. When the layer of Tears gets disrupted due to any cause, it leads to Dry eyes. Patients have a feeling of foreign body sensation, grittiness, frequent blinking, redness, inability open eyes when outdoors, and photophobia.

The treatment depends on the cause of dry eye. The treatment for dry eye is often supportive and needs to be continued for a comparatively longer duration.

Intravitreal  Injections  Hospital   In Navrangpura

Diagnosis – Tear film assessment – This is the most important part of examination for dry eyes. The doctor assesses the tear film quality, tear production, tear evaporation and cause of tear disruption.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) - Meibomian glands are present on the eyelids and are responsible for secretion of oily layer of tear film. Dysfunction of meibomian gland leads to altered tear film composition and pre-disposes eye to various ocular surface disease causing ocular discomfort. With MGD, the tear film evaporates faster; hence MGD treatment is essential for the ocular health.

Eyelid assessment – Inflammation or other disorders of the eyelids can disrupt the tear film temporarily or permanently. Consult us for the best treatment options.


  • WARM COMPRESS – It helps to soothe the inflammation and pain associated with it. Place a warm cloth on the eyelids for 5 minutes at least twice a day to see the benefits. Consult us for further information.
  • TOPICAL DROPS – The drops are prescribed depending on the cause of dry eye. For infections, antibiotic drops are given whereas for tear deficiency, drops to enhance tear production are prescribed.
  • PUNCTAL PLUGS – This treatment modality helps to retain the tears in the eyes by blocking their drainage from the tear ducts. Tiny plugs are placed in the naso-lacrimal (Tear drainage) duct. Therefore, the tears remain in the eyes for longer time as the drainage of tears is blocked. This helps to retain moisture in the eye.
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