Keratoconus is an abnormal bulging of the anterior surface of cornea due to thinning and progressive degeneration. The shape of cornea changes and leads to lot of distortion of visual images and fluctuating vision. It usually affects both eyes, although one eye may be affected more than the other. Patients usually complain of lot of glare and decreased vision.
As it is a progressive disorder, its early diagnosis and treatment is necessary. Keratoconus is most often diagnosed in Individuals in the age group of 10-40 years.
Family history of keratoconus Vigorous rubbing of the eyes Presence of allergic condition like asthma, hay fever or presence of disorders like Downs syndrome, Retinitis pigmentosa etc.
Examination – Slit lamp examination is crucial to assess the status of cornea. Early cases can be missed on slit lamp examination, although advanced cases show the typical cone type structure of cornea. IMAGING & CORNEAL MAPPING– Corneal topography and corneal tomography shows the contour and thickness of cornea and is instrumental in diagnosing keratoconus. Get your examination done today if you are experiencing any of the symptoms.